The Belize Ministry's mission is to reach out in charity to the people of southern Belize in order to empower them through education and entrepreneurship. Through the partnership with OLSS School, we are sharing resources, curriculum materials, and teacher training. By purchasing handcrafts from the Mayan women, we are helping them to support their families by their talents. We also coordinate with local leaders to identify and help fund capital improvements. There are many opportunities to help such as collecting donations, staffing bazaar booths, producing teaching videos and maintaining personal contacts by visiting this lovely country.
The Belize Mission Team fosters a relationship between Our Lady Star of the Sea and St. Peter Claver Catholic Church and Little Flower Catholic School in Punta Gorda, Belize. This committee promotes parish mission trips that strengthen a reciprocal relationship with our brothers and sisters in this Central American country.
Click here to learn more about the 2024 Mission Trip!
Contact Mary Alves to learn more!
Christmas in April is a non-profit organization that improves/repairs homes for low income households. No skills needed. Work is done on last Saturday of April for a half or whole day. Leadership provided.
Volunteers work in teams in the local area. Contact: Vince Maldonado (410) 394-6151 or Joe Suarez-Murias (443) 684-4518
Each Christmas, our parish provides gifts to between 15 and 20 families, amounting to usually between 30 and 60 children!
This year, as living costs rise, we expect that we will have more families than we have seen in recent years requesting help. That is why we need all hands on deck.
If you are able to assist with this ministry, please contact the Parish Office. Volunteers should be caring, compassionate, and respectful of the need for confidentiality.
“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me….” (Matthew 25:35)
We all need to eat to stay alive. The mission of Our Lady Star of the Sea Meal Ministry, called the Meal Train, is to meet the needs of others by preparing or purchasing meals to feed people who at the time, are not able to perform all the activities of daily living, possibly due to the birth of a baby, an illness, a family death, relocation, or some other reason. Lifting the burden of meal preparation allows a person to devote more energy and time to the difficulty at hand. The focus of the ministry is to benefit others. However, it also is a blessing to those who provide the meals because it is an opportunity to serve others. To help someone through a difficult time is an act of grace and requires generosity, humility, and unselfishness. Jesus called us to share in one another’s difficulties.
“Bear one another’s burdens, and so you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2)
Contact Nancy Peters for more information.
Are you a knitter or quilter? Do you crochet or sew? Whatever your gift, we ask that you consider blessing our ministry with your talents! This ministry was formed by a group of women at a parish Women of Worship breakfast back in 2009. They were discussing the question of "What can I do about issues of those battling illness, chemotherapy, hospitalization, or who are in hospice care?" The idea of the prayer shawl ministry came to life - a beautiful way to use your practical, God-given gifts in service of others. Prayer shawls are small handmade items that are made with love. The shawl maker begins the project in prayer, asking for blessings over the recipient. This intention is prayed for throughout the creation of the shawl. Upon completion, a priest offers a blessing over the shawls. They are then sent on their way to the local hospital, parishioners, and anyone who is in need of a prayer shawl.
Contact Carolyn Chandler for more information.
The ministry includes CARENET: Baby Bottles handed out Mother's Day; Return Father's Day, as Fr. Bob announces. CEMETERY OF THE INNOCENTS: This is a joint effort with the school, K of C, and Respect Life Ministry, members of OLSS, placing crosses in front of the historic church. CALVERT COUNTY FAIR: end of Sept early Oct. Maryland Right to Life Booth - "Sign Up Genius" to volunteer some of your time. This is a joint effort with the other Catholic Churches in Calvert County. Sometimes Legislative issues needing signatures, as needed for Respect Life/ Pro-Life efforts.
All for God's Honor and Glory!
Contact Susan Ude for more information.
We make rosaries that are presented to those receiving the Sacraments of Baptism and First Holy Communion, to the Masses on Holy Days, and to those looking for a way HOME. Join us and be an instrument of God's love.
Contact JoEllen Byrnes for more information.